Friday, April 27, 2007

bitchin' time... HEHEEE

okay there is this thing or shall i say person i wanna bitch about. she is none other than..... the F.U.B aka *Fucked Up Bitch*

i was devastated when we found out one of our subject was taught by her. AGAIN. HOLLY COW i thought our nightmares and gloomy days with her in semested 1 were over.

she is utterly ridiculous in many ways and think she is the almighty and high above the rest. she doesn't have respect for others and expect us to know EVERYTHING and do everything RIGHT the first time. everytime i have to put on a MASK and be pretentious to be nice in front of her. everyone does that. mind u, her boots are so shiny u can reflect your self image on it-why? because there are freaking boot lickers around. argh. whatever it is he/she/they are still my frens as i do seek guidance from them. i just don't like the fact that one of them likes to SNATCH JOBS from not only me but other people as well. damn blardy intimidated and pissed cuz when "that person" "helped" me, the lecturer was heading to my table and "that person" wanted to IMPRESS her, and she got what she wanted. the praise. me on the other hand got some uneasy sounding. boiling inside. F.U.B loves to praise herself too. freak. so self absorbed.

to be continued.. my bitching mode is not really on today.. XD

1 comment:

Munnie said...

well she ain't that bad. Of course, she likes my group! xD wakakakaka