Wednesday, May 2, 2007


after sooooo many years of wanting to do it, AT LAST, i had the courage to get it done thanks to someone. i think it looks kinda nice though. it brings a little life to my face since i look pretty dull and sickly sometimes. LOL got it done in sunway pyramid on the 1st of May 2007- a very memorable day for me indeed. it'll live in my memory forever. hmmmm.. the piercing also gave me a small ego boost. hahahaha

what my family said:

Bro: u serious?? not nice.. nice.. i dont know

Sis 1: YUCK so ugly... eeek....!

Sis 2 : YER.........

Mom: lu see ta bor asi zha bor?? ( are u a boy or a girl??)

Dad: you say nice then nice la. abit gay. hahahaha

Aunt: wahh! u better make sure you pierce the correct side. later attract wrong gender. LOL

Shu Yi and Lai Yeng : nice. they said cute also i think. HEHE



Munnie said...

hmm not bad wert ^^

RYaN said...

HEHE. thanks. sorry la said wanna piece with u but i ffk. hehe. wait la i want to get one more above my current piercing. then we can go together. wahahaha

Shuuu said...

I said it was cute AND cool, hahahahahaha XP